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I just spoke to Bob at the A&E Glass[310] 530-1262. They had been planning to make a run of the windshildsbut, to date, he hasonly received 2 orders [myself & 1 other]! If anyone wants windshields, this is the time to do it or commityourselves to forever
stop complaining!!!! Please pass the word... YOU SNOOZE...YOULOOSE!!!

Subject: Re: [flxowners] VL-100/High level Windshields forsale
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 21:20:04 -0800
From: "joe cooper"

Nels, Dal Keil and I went down to Tiajuana this past weekendand contacted a glass company. They seem to think that
there is a supply of windshields for the old Flx buses down inthe interior of Mexico that are still in warehouses. They did
find a right windshield for Dal's Suburban and installed it, pricewas right. He also knows of a factory that makes
windshields for the Dina company and he says they can make anythingif we can get them a pattern. He is checking now
to find out what is required for a production run. He does a lotof work for the buses in Tiajuana and seemed familiar
with Flxibles. He is also looking into a bus junkyard. He knowsthere is no money unless he can produce and he wants
the business when we told him how many members we had in FOI.If any member has a windshield that is in fairly good
condition that could be used as a pattern tell them to hang onto it, we may need it. It can be cracked, pitted, whatever,
as long as the shape is fairly good. The shape is what is critical.The newsletter is in the print shop now so can't get this in
until next issue. I am supposed to contact him again around theend of the month when we go down to San Diego again.
What happened? I am not getting any more FOI email. I changedmy email to and get mail from Ted
Nowell but nothing from the group. Did I do something to get peopleticked off at me? If you can post this to the net
please do so until I figure out what I did to lose everyone. Iknow there was a virus thing that went around and some
changes were made. Did I lose something in transition that stoppedmy email from FOI?

Joe editor FOI

Posted August 3rd 2000

In my travels I found a 53 clipper thatwas just brougt in to a wrecking
yard, the owner claims it will run, it has a ford v8 and is autotrans, has
rust on back, and all the stainless is good, the inside is trashed,he said
he would take 600. for it or part it out, it is located in MendotaIll. The
number is 815 539 5846 I told him I would pass the infomationalong.

Posted July 28th 2000

Hello Everyone; Thought I would posta quick update on the Loudonvillerally. I was really a nice get together.There were 56 coaches (I think that's correct) that showed up.Weather was good for the most part.
Rained a couple times and we even had a tornado warning but nothinghappened. Everyone kind of just stood around watching the uglysky, but it barley stirred up a breeze. Two were sighted aboutten miles away.
The parade went off without a hitch on Saturday and was very wellorganized, thanks to the Trail Boss Mike Mueller and the detailsguy Ken Utterback. BTW, this pair could be aptly nicknamed WyleyCoyote and the
Roadrunner.... Lots of turnout to watch the Flxis go by. The paradewas led by a flawlessly restored 1930 Flxible... Food was fineand we even had live music for dinner.
We have a new President.
BobMoreland & wife Patsy of Portland,Oregon. The new Vice President is Ed Eyre & wife Ann, OurTreasurer is now Dal Keil & wife Gwen. Gerald & Sue Myersand Myself, Bud Hoover and wife Judy are new board members.
Joe Cooper is now the new news letter editor. His email addressis I know Joe pretty well and for sure he willdo a fine job. Mae his pretty little wife will no doubt be ofgreat support. No doubt we will all miss Ralph at this post andhe got a sendoff if you want to call it that, that brought tearsto my eyes, and
his also...... For once Ralph was absolutely speechless......

I managed to scan a bunch of photos fromKen Utterbacks unbelievable collection for the historical sectionof the site, and also managed to snap a lot of the members withtheir Flxibles for the members Gallery and some other picturesaround the rally. Des Feary our esteemed member all the way fromAustralia was there, a most likable fellow I must say....

All in all we had a great time. Oh yeah...The next summer rally will be held in Gettysburg, PA
Sorry, can't remember who the host is.... The winter rally willagain be at Quartzsite, as usual.....

Bud Hoover (216)


Site UPDATE: 1/19/00

The bus for sale area has been revamped and transferred Coachfor sale listings are now accessible from both the FOI site andSELLABUS.COM. A direct link to "FlxiblesFor Sale" is provided at various locations on the FOIsite. Flxible Coach for sale listings accessible from both siteswill undoubtably increase traffic to member listings and the FOIsite. Your listings, both parts for sale and coaches are appreciatedand help support and pay the cost of maintaining the FOI site.

Thanks, Bud Hoover (216)