FOI Members Gallery page 7
Bob & Patsy Moreland(FOI 284) and their1952 Visicoach. Bob and Patsy are from Portland, Oregonand are the current President and Secretary of FOI. Their coachis powered by a DT 466 with an Allison 6 speed transmission andis currently under construction.
Photo, Bud Hoover. QuartzsiteRally 2001
John & Amy Flammang(FOI 348) withtheir 1950 Visicoach. John and Amy live in Spring Creek,Nevada. They are currently in the process of outfitting theircoach. John is quite a craftsman and the coach will be nice whenit's completed.
Photo, Bud Hoover. QuartzsiteRally 2001.
Ted & Jeri Nowell (FOI 322) of Long Beach,CA are proud owners of a very nice VL-100. Ted & Jeri arestill in the construction stages and are doing an excelent jobof converting their coach. Interiorview.
Photo, Bud Hoover. QuartzsiteRally 2001
Doug & Susan Ferrin(FOI 465) attendedtheir first Flxible rally in their gorgeous 1947 Clipper. Thisbeautifly restored coach caught a lot attention during the rally.Doug & Sue came in from Mesa, Arizona. The coach is poweredby an International DT 466 Turbo diesel coupled to an Allison643 4 speed automatic. MORE
Photo, Bud Hoover,. Quartzsite Rally 2001
Jeff & Joyce Chamberlain(FOI 467) and their 1955 VL-100 (Jeff far right& Joyce center) Between the two is Jim Hartman who restoredthis coach. Mr. Hartman has been a wonderful friend and sourceof mechanical information on the Flx coach. Far left is Bob &Patsy Moreland. Bob and Patsy are from Portland, Oregon and arethe current President and Secretary of FOI.